
  • 樊善標:時代新鮮人──序西西《牛眼和我》 - 西西早年的報紙專欄相繼結集成為《試寫室》、《牛眼和我》出版,翻閱這些半世紀前的短文,很自然地想到《我城》。 西西在《試寫室》的後記說:「『我之試寫室』之前,我其實在《快報》寫過『牛眼與我』,寫了一段日子,寫法也大概相同吧。」印象似乎有點模糊了。「牛眼和我」發表於一九六七、六八年,「我之試寫室」發表於一九七 O年...
    22 hours ago
  • Rest in Peace David Lynch, 1946 - 2025 - *"Dust is dancing in the space...* *A dog and bird are far away...* *The sun comes up and down each day...* *The river flows out to the sea..."* To write ...
    1 day ago
  • 13 Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. 726) - [image: 13 Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. 726)] 1. Paris, 1957 A random selection of photographs found on Live Journal. 2. Manhattan NYC, 1931...
    3 days ago
  • The Satanic Verses (撒旦詩篇) - 在四世紀時的麥加(Makkah)天房(al-Ka'bah)供奉了三百六十個不同的神祇,並以*胡巴勒*(Hubal) 為主神。胡巴勒是占卜之神,會透過箭矢降下神諭。胡巴勒的名字很有可能就是「他是巴耳/巴力」(Hu Bel),而*巴耳/巴力*(Ba'al) 就是聖經中經常出現的異教主神,意思是「主」,可算是當時中...
    5 days ago
  • 溫度日記 APP:用柔美的手繪插圖來療癒你的心、豐富你的手帳日記!(Android、iOS) - 無意中看到「溫度日記 Hearty Journal」,赫然驚覺,原來我們每天的生活早已被社群網站、即時聊天軟體攻佔已久,忘了有多久沒有靜下心來寫一段文字或是陳述自己的心靈告白,或為自己那荒蕪的一方天地灌溉過一滴水分呢? 吉娜承認自己心癢了!因為溫度日記不僅僅是日記網站、線上日記或是日記App,他更像是一個文字...
    4 months ago
  • 溫度日記 APP:用柔美的手繪插圖來療癒你的心、豐富你的手帳日記!(Android、iOS) - 無意中看到「溫度日記 Hearty Journal」,赫然驚覺,原來我們每天的生活早已被社群網站、即時聊天軟體攻佔已久,忘了有多久沒有靜下心來寫一段文字或是陳述自己的心靈告白,或為自己那荒蕪的一方天地灌溉過一滴水分呢? 吉娜承認自己心癢了!因為溫度日記不僅僅是日記網站、線上日記或是日記App,他更像是一個文字...
    4 months ago
  • 下坡的思維 - 當我們沿迎風坡而下時,風顯得大而勁了。我穿在許臂彎裡的手慣性的縮回而拉一下裙裾。陡然,我感到這種無意識動作的可 … 繼續閱讀 下坡的思維
    1 year ago
  • Podcast: David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist Chronicles - Dialectical analyses of the capitalist totality through a Marxist lens. David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist Chronicles is co-produced with Politics In Motion, ...
    1 year ago
  • 翻译:巴迪欧《真理的内在性》第二章四种有限类型的辩证法 - 第二节 辩证法 就某一类消极有限性而言,这绝不是一个将无限性与有限性相对立的问题。因为所有真正的力量最终都需要在有限记录(registre )中运算。问题在于,要假设出一种积极有限性,而这种有限性不会成为无限性的消极废值。 一、主要假设 既然如此,我提出以下假设:要想有真正的活动,要想让有限的东西...
    2 years ago
  • 【藝術源於生活,但高於生活】 - ​ 【藝術源於生活,但高於生活】 脫口秀大會第四季的slogan「還是生活最幽默」,周奇墨決賽的段子顯示他對生活的敏銳觀察,加上深厚的表演經驗,更有第三季跌跌撞撞的表現,殺君馬者道旁兒的網路磨難,讓他從線下小劇場到線上綜藝節目表演的交換舞台,更小心拿捏那條線。更難得的是笑果文化在打造激烈的脫口秀大會喜劇擂台同時...
    3 years ago
  • 林樹勛:馬吉〈臭屁〉的美感──兼讀其文集《時日悠悠》 - 馬吉文集《時日悠悠》,有一篇題為〈臭屁〉,全文如下: 兩口子睡在床上,意旺忽地在 … 繼續閱讀 →
    3 years ago
  • 蘇賡哲 : 他做不成杜月笙 - 杜月笙 舊書商回憶錄之四十 包括蔣介石在內,很多人喜歡和杜月笙稱兄道弟。因為任你有天大難題求助於他,他都若無其事,「閒話一句」就替你解决了。 當然,天下沒有白吃的午餐,但杜月笙的本事正在於,他要你還的人情債,即使是加倍奉還,必定是你還得起,樂於償還的。 奶路臣街有一位常作杜月笙狀的書商,他...
    4 years ago
  • 侶倫的《窮巷》 - 香港文苑書店1952年初版。書影來自香港中文大學圖書館。 香港文苑書店1952年初版。書影來自香港中文大學圖書館。 《窮巷》是侶倫第一部長篇小說,1948年動筆,隨寫隨刊於夏衍主編的《華商報》副刊《熱風》上,由1948年7月1日起,連載至8月22日止,共約3萬6千字。恰遇夏衍離開報館,新人上場,編輯方...
    4 years ago
  • 蔡浩泉、張灼祥、西西、張海素、鍾玲玲、馬康麗1981年照片 - 鬍鬚張和大頭蔡 Victor Hui:應該在西貢,約一九八一。阿蔡怕冷,張校長穿背心,他要穿羽絨。他的皮包裡長期塞著這類外套和其他衣物、雜物,隨時可以「走路」的樣子。這是一次素葉和大拇指的聯合郊遊,為何有此一遊?Sorry,唔記得咗。 (圖片來自蔡浩泉臉書專頁2019年9月1日) (評論來自《大拇指》...
    5 years ago
  • 《羅馬教皇譜》( "The Popes, A History") - 剛讀完諾域治(John Julius Norwich)在2011 出版,談羅馬天主教廷歷史的《羅馬教皇譜》( "The Popes, A History"),甚感暢快,因為這本書把我一向有極大興趣,但又所知不多,而天主教會一向不讓教徒了解的教會歷史和280位教宗的強項弱點都一一抖出來了。 諾域治的《羅馬教皇譜...
    6 years ago
  • 杭寧遊記 - 我的藏書裡有二部古籍和西湖相關,一是《御覽西湖志纂》,一是《西湖志》。
    6 years ago
  • 奇怪的共犯論:又名「千錯萬錯都是馬英九的錯」 - 一直不討論關於香港立法會議員因宣誓不合規格而被取消議員資格一事,是因為此事太無聊 … 繼續閱讀 →
    7 years ago
  • 來看文學吧 - 四月開始在港台31 台主持文學清談節目「文學放得開」,逢周三晚十一點至十二點播出,當然很多人是在網上看直播或重播的。同一系列還有「哲學有偈傾」和「歷史係咁話」,另外兩晚是「講女時間」和「雄燈區」,講男女話題。男女話題當然是比較大眾的,而文史哲的節目則在特定族群之間引起注意,比如「哲學有偈傾」的聲勢很好,...
    7 years ago
  • 《別字》試刊號第二期出版﹗ - 立即下載:《別字》試刊號第二期 《字花》的網上純創作誌《別字》登場了! 「別字」一名,既有別冊之意,更寄望透過網上平台,另闢傳播門徑,開拓閱讀體驗。 暫定三個欄目,「透光」的作品從自由投稿中特別挑選,「有時」配合《字花》徵稿或另設新題,「極限」則專載萬字長篇。 試刊號第二期,以PDF形式呈現,供各位下載...
    7 years ago
  • 淫幕GAGAGA! - 終於決心寫寫Guilty of Romance的配樂,research時發現園子溫又拍了新戲,光是Trailer 就令我興奮得要命!這音樂,這色彩!怎麼悄無聲息?原來尚未公映。(香港公映日期:23/3/2017)一查,去年11月在亞洲電影節的Roman Porno 專場上映過...
    7 years ago
  • - 從工廈前往中學。在停車場有極殷勤的司機。上車,扣安全帶,衣袖立即被沾濕,環顧,一地染血的衛生綿。我大驚。司機說,小姐,我有怪病,耳朵不斷流血,妳說怎麼辦。只能一直在車廂裡囤積衛生綿呀。我在狹小的車廂裡,被染血的東西逼得無處容身。半站起來。司機繼續抱怨說,其他乘客都沒意見,為甚麼妳如此挑剔。 他送我去了...
    8 years ago
  • 东京艺术书展 x 香蕉鱼书店 - 继2011年受东京艺术书展主办方的邀请后,2015年9月19日到9月21日,香蕉鱼书店再次出发,参加我们的第二次东京艺术书展。这一次,两位创始人将亲自前往东京,与来自世界各地的艺术出版单位一同展现艺术书和 zines 的出版文化。 2015年东京艺术书展,至今已举办第七届,每年活动将聚集来自世界各地超过3...
    9 years ago
  • 乌托邦遗迹 - [image: uploads/201510/18_114414_s1.1973peterderret.jpg] [水瓶节,宁宾,1973年。摄影:Peter Derret] 乌托邦遗迹 欧宁 宁宾(Nimbin)是澳大利亚新南威尔士东北部山区的一个小镇,因1973年举办水瓶节(Aquarius Fes...
    9 years ago
  • 自由路艱:再思肖友懷事件 - 文:野莩遣返或特赦肖友懷,無絕對之可不可行,但決定時當先考慮法理依據,而非道德情懷。我曾就此事詢問一位在入境處工作的朋友,她的答覆非常簡單:「1. 依法當遣返事主;2. 父母非港人,事主不能申請單程證;3. 除了酌情,事主無其他留港途徑。」那麼酌情先例會為制度開漏洞嗎?「Personally speaking...
    9 years ago
  • Boston to Big Sur之旅(一).《SportSoho》.6/2014 - 我常說自己很幸運,上月有機會參加波士頓馬拉松,完成了一生人必做的一件事。最難取號碼布的波馬也去了,連同兩年前的東京馬拉松,世界六大馬拉松我已跑了兩個,集齊六大馬拉松的獎牌,再也不是遙不可及的夢想了! 讀者大概會問:「莊曉陽好似好鬼慢,點解有機會參加波士頓?」其實,波士頓馬拉松並不是只有快腳才有機會參加,慢腳...
    9 years ago
  • 烏蘭巴托的夜 - 《烏蘭巴托的夜》是首蒙古歌曲。蒙古的作曲家寫的,賈樟柯重新填了詞,左小祖咒改編,電影《世界》插曲(湖南台的字幕打錯了)。左小原版的就好聽,他少有的比較「正經」地演唱。譚版也不錯,大氣,聲情並茂。 左小改編演唱的《烏蘭巴托的夜》 賈樟柯電影片斷(趙濤演唱) 蒙古族樂隊杭蓋的版本 烏蘭巴托的夜 作詞:賈樟...
    9 years ago
  • 莉娜骑士在盘子上 - 1874年12月25日,一个女孩诞生在罗马北部小城维泰博的贫民窟,迷信说,这一天诞生的人有特别的命运,父母为她取名“娜塔莉娜”(Natalina ),因为“natale”是意大利语里的“圣诞节”。12 岁开始,她当过卖花姑娘、包装女工,生活虽然贫寒,好在她天赋歌喉,每天从早唱到晚。邻居一个音乐教师给她上...
    10 years ago
  • 欲望的事故 - 欲望的事故 顾文豪 特里林在《知性乃道德职责》一书中引述亚里士多德关于悲剧的定义,认为悲剧的主人公具有某种程度的、可进行自由选择的可能性,他“必须通过自己的道德状况来为自己的命运进行辩解”,而其道德状况并非十全十... *博客大巴,你的个人传媒早班车*
    10 years ago
  • 給《明報》 - 一口答應寫一篇給《明報》,箇中心情,猶如「償還」。 明明我沒有欠這報甚麼,稿債沒有,瓜葛沒有。 都是人情吧。多老套。 這些年來,跟《明報》的這些年來,救命,怎麼細數。 第一次認真寫稿刊登,已是2003年的事了。正是馬家輝博士邀請,給世紀版寫一篇關於「網上飄流的香港家書」。(私人回憶:先生有份跟我寫的。)一年過...
    11 years ago
  • 偶然的發現 - 很久沒在facebook上看到湯正川的post,早上偶然看到他與另一DJ的對談,發現這首歌,先放上來,待電腦回復正常,再仔細欣賞。
    11 years ago
  • 阿城:你这个名字怎么念? - *你这个名字怎么念?阿城 * 堪萨斯州多好农地,广大,略有起伏,种着苞谷。苞谷快收了,一般高矮,一片灰黄。不过从车里望出去,灰黄得实在单调,车开得愈久,愈单调。 偶有棉田。两个人坐在路边白房子前,有车开过去,瞥也不瞥,呆看着棉花地。 从后视镜里望他们,愈来愈小了。发什么呆呢?棉花出了问题?第一次种棉...
    11 years ago
  • - *Chapeau...!*Cock your hat - angles are attitudes (Sinatra) By Heinz Decker Hats seem to stimulate the imagination; maybe because they are a prolongatio...
    12 years ago
  • 閱讀讓我質疑制度 - [本訪問稿乃〈不可能所有的真實都出現在你的攝影機前──賈樟柯、杜海濱訪談〉的第一部份。訪問稿全文網上版見以下網頁:
    12 years ago
  • 蜚聲卓越在書林──蘇州文育山房 - 蘇州的氣候溫潤,步調舒緩,水道與巷弄縱橫交錯,教人一來到此便安下心來。城裡的平江街區,從宋代便已經存在,以今日留存的巷弄來看,八百年來的格局規劃變化並不大,只是範圍縮小許多。而就在這僅存的街區裡,留下的不只是悠悠時光,亦有不少哲人賢士駐守的痕跡。書癡黃丕烈的百宋一廛、史學家顧頡剛的顧氏花園、清代狀元洪...
    13 years ago
  • 當世界留下二行詩 宣傳BV - 當世界留下二行詩瓦歷斯.諾幹Walis.Nokan本書以極簡的形式,現代詩行的排列,挑戰詩藝和語境的實驗風格觀察視角從台灣的土地與家園,擴及到族群、社會乃至世界的關懷。動情至深,引發共鳴,為作者近年來最新創意力作!短短的二行詩,宛如「芥子納須彌」激起無限想像空間,是一本趣意盎然、值得珍藏的現代詩集。向陽、李...
    13 years ago
  • V城系列明信片 - 圖:by 智海 and 楊智恆
    13 years ago
  • 【世界眼系列特别活动】迈克尔•桑德尔:公正,该如何做是好? - *迈克尔•桑德尔:公正,该如何做是好? Justice:What's the Right Thing to Do?* *开始时间:* 2011年5月21日 周六 13:45 *结束时间:* 2011年5月21日 周六 17:00 *地点:* 上海 长宁区上海市天山路356号长宁区图书馆10楼报告厅(地铁2...
    13 years ago
  • 诗歌是飞行术,散文是步兵 - *诗歌是飞行术,散文是步兵顾文豪* *刊于《南方都市报——阅读周刊》2009年10月11日* 在众多优秀诗人看来,散文不是适合他们展露才思表陈感情的文体,偶然为之,亦不过如布罗茨基所说的是一种“以其他方式延续的诗歌”。他还有另一个比喻———诗歌是飞行术,散文则是步兵。 是的,诗人兴许能在...
    15 years ago
  • 《般若波罗蜜多心经》印存 - 《般若波罗蜜多心经》印存 般若波罗蜜多心经 35*35*138mm 薄意山水巴林红丝冻石 观自在菩萨 26*35*80mm 貔貅钮巴林黄冻石 行深般若波罗蜜多时 30*38*90mm 貔貅钮巴林冻石 照见五蕴皆空 33*33*114mm 螭钮巴林黄彩石 度一切苦厄 25*2...
    16 years ago

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014







Friday, January 3, 2014

Tokyo's a book lover's dream

If life' an open book, then Tokyo is a veritable bookstore. From tiny little kiosks in train stations to mega chains in Shinjuku, Tokyo's a book lover's dream. From art books and Arabic to smuggling and science fiction, this city's bookstores have it in any language. This week John Paul Catton gives us chapter and verse on where bookworms need to go.
English-language bookstores in TokyoBuy the book
By John Paul Catton 


The jewel in the crown of Tokyo's secondhand book world, and a must-visit for anyone looking for bargains. It has 30,000 used books and 7000 new, mostly in English. An extensive section of secondhand books on Japan includes language texts, for those who want to get started on nihongo, but don't want to pay a small fortune. For people with books they don't need, Good Day trades and offers a credit voucher good for one year. Books can be ordered; how long it takes depends on the publisher.
Bargains: Paperbacks between 400 and 700 yen. Some good quality hardbacks for 1000 yen
Most Bizarre Find: "The Prostate: A Guide for Men and the Women Who Love Them"
Where to Find it: Exit JR Ebisu station by the Beckers burger place on the side opposite the escalators. Turn right, then left down the road with Sanwa Bank on its corner. Turn right again, walk past the Subway shop, and Good Day Books is opposite the Kygnus store. Ebisu 1-11-2, 3F, Shibuya-ku. Open: 11am-8pm, Sun and holidays 11am-6pm, closed Tue. Tel: 5421-0957. Fax: 5421-0958


This little gem in Shibuya is for the antique hunter. It has over 2000 books in English and other European languages (a lot of German). There are scholarly reference works, very old books and very good value. There are also boxes of cheap paperbacks and stacks of what look like new hardbacks.
Bargains: A 1924 edition of Sir James Frazer's "The Golden Bough" for 2000 yen - the same price as a brand new hardback copy of "Sophie's World"
Most Bizarre Find: "50 Works of English Literature We Can Do Without," a hysterical attack on just about everyone
Where to Find it: 
From Shibuya east exit walk over the road and go down Miyamasu-zaka. Walk past the main Shibuya Post Office; it's on the same side, opposite Nisseki garage. 1-8-7, 1F, Shibuya-ku. Open 10am-6:30pm. Tel: 3400-6046


This really is a curiosity: a store providing new and used books on just about every fetish you can think of. The War/ Military section takes up most of the shop, and ties in with the models, stamps, and coins available to collectors. The shop also stocks martial arts books (and a number of Bruce Lee fanzines) and, as the choices get progressively weirder, survivalist instruction manuals, American underground comics, and racks of mondo porno videos. Some books in French and German, and quite a few in Arabic.
The stock is mostly in hardback, ranging from 1200 to 5000 yen for large or older editions.
Most bizarre find: 
"Sneak It Through: Smuggling Made Easier"
Where to find it: From Shibuya Hachiko exit, walk down Fire Dori towards Tower Records. Arban is on the same side, in the basement of the Taiseido bookstore building. 1-22-4 Jinnan, B1, Shibuya-ku. Open 10am-8pm daily. Tel: 3461-3419


Jena is not a secondhand bookstore, but it does have one section which is set aside for paperbacks at half-price. This section is near the escalator, and opposite the bestseller display. The rest of the shop holds 50,000 new books in English and some European languages, plus a very good selection of books on films.
Bargains: Paperbacks in the sale section are 700 yen, although some large trade paperbacks were 1000 yen
Most bizarre find: "If You Think You Have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)"
Where to find it: Leave Ginza station by exit B3. You'll see the entrance to Jena directly across the alleyway. 5-6-1 Ginza 3F, Chuo-ku. Open 11am-8pm, Mon-Sat; 12-7pm Sun/ holidays. Tel: 3571-2908

bookstore  image 1

Probably the best choice for new books in Tokyo, and a very impressive range of magazines. Most are in English, and though they can't order books, they do have a wildly eclectic selection.
Most Bizarre Find: Check out the street culture section for titles like "The Anarchist's Cookbook" and "The Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide."
Where to Find it: Exit Shibuya station and turn right. Cross the road and walk down Fire Dori. You can't miss it. Open 10am-10pm daily. Tel: 3496-3661


Specializes in psychology and New Age subjects. Mostly Japanese, but one wall is devoted to English books and obscure magazines. They stock about 2000 English books and can order from the US.
Most Bizarre Find: "From Coherent Tunneling to Relaxation"
Where to Find it: From Gaienmae station walk along Aoyama Dori towards Akasaka. Walk past Doutor Coffee and turn right at the pharmacy. It's on the right side of the alleyway. 2-14-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku. Tel: 3430-1926. Open 12-8pm daily. Closed New Year holidays
Other places to read all about it...

Takashimaya Times Square Building (Annex), 6F
South ExitShinjuku
Tel: 5361-3301
Open 10am-8pm daily

Perhaps the largest selection of books in foreign languages, they claim to stock one million, and can order more from the UK and US. The Annex is directly behind Takashimaya, a department store opposite Shinjuku station. There's also a branch in Shibuya, on the 5th floor of Tokyu Plaza, Shibuya station south exit

2-3-10 Nihonbashi, 2/4F
Tel: 3272-7211
Open 10am-7pm Mon-Sat and 10am-6pm Sun/holidays

Probably the second largest selection of books. French, German, Italian and Spanish available. They can order from the UK and US. Children's books on the 4th floor. Take B3 exit at Nihonbashi and you'll come up right inside the store.

F1 Building., 5F
1-26-5 Takadanobaba,
Tel: 3200-4531
Open 10am-9pm Mon-Sat and 10am-8pm Sun/holidays

About 30,000 books, mostly in English. Large resource section for keen English teachers (yikes!). The F1 building faces the Waseda exit of Takadanobaba station.

Solofiole Jiyugaoka Building, 1F
5-4-5 Okusawa
Tel: 3721-8186
Open 11am-8pm daily

Claims to stock Tokyo's largest selection of children's books. Exit Jiyugaoka station by the north exit. Walk down Shirakaba shopping street, turn left and cross the railway tracks. Take the third turn on the left.

Although the main branch of this store is in Aoyama (naturally), it's not that well stocked, and anyway most gaijin are probably familiar with the one in Roppongi. They carry about 1000 English books and magazines, and are open very late. Branches in Hiroo, Jiyugaoka, Tennozu and Shinjuku.
Where to Find it: The Roppongi branch is across the street from Almond, next to the koban. The Aoyama branch is on Aoyama Dori, behind the United Nations University building. Roppongi Denki Bldg. 1F, 6-1-20 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 3479-0479. Open 10am-5:30pm Mon-Sat and 10am-10pm Sun/ holidays


Tokyo residents will soon become familiar with this name, because it's the neighborhood where the Japanese rare and antique book dealers are all clustered. The 133 bookstores are renowned for Edo period (and prohibitively expensive) publications, paintings, maps and wood block prints, but there are several places of great interest to literary-minded gaijin. If you have an afternoon free to browse (except Sundays, when most are closed), here's where to go.


You can't fail to notice this one. Set back from the street is a massive glass granite front, with a brass-railed staircase leading up to the rare books section on the second floor. A small plaza outside holds boxes of paperbacks at bargain prices. Inside, the mahogany bookcases and marble floor foster a scholarly atmosphere, confirmed by the shop's emphasis on literature and nonfiction reference works. There's a couch for browsers on the first floor and a special reader's room on the second for those interested in the valuable first editions. They have 40,000 new books and 30,000 secondhand. They also buy books. You can order from the UK and the US; it takes about six weeks.
Bargains: Paperbacks outside for about 500 yen, new books inside for 2000 to 5000 yen. Upstairs are some bargains, such as a 1930's edition of Shelley's poetry for 1200 yen
Most Bizarre Find: "An Examination of Elizabethan Handwriting"
Where to Find it: Leave Jimbocho station and cross Hakusen Dori for five minutes; Kitazawa is on the left. 2-5 Jimbocho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Open: 10am-6pm, closed Sun. Tel: 3263-0011. Fax: 3263-0015

Climb the marble staircase and you'll find Isseido's rare and used book section. The shop specializes in antique works on Japan and the "mysterious Orient". The selection is mostly in English, and it's not as expensive as it looks. They order books from the UK and the US, but it can take over two months.
Bargains: Carl Jung's "Man and His Symbols" and other nonfiction paperbacks for under 2000 yen
Most Bizarre Find: "Chats on the Old Tobacco Jars"
Where to Find it: Almost directly opposite Jimbocho station main exit. 1-7 Jimbocho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Open: Mon-Sat 10am-6:30pm, 10:30am-6:30pm national holidays, closed Sun. Tel: 3292-0072. Fax: 3292-0076


The store inside specializes in art books, mostly in English, some very expensive. However, outside on the pavement there are bins overflowing with cheap paperbacks and recent American comics. There seems to be no order here; the best thing to do is just have a good rummage.
Bargains: Paperbacks and comics for about 500 to 1000 yen
Most Bizarre Find: The smiling faces on the cover of "The Brady Bunch Annual 1967"
Where to Find it: See Tuttle. 1-7 Jimbocho 1F, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Open: 10:30am-6pm, closed Sun and national holidays. Tel: 3295-5678


This store is the office of the long-established publishing company, specializing in books on Japan. Although the first floor is new books, upstairs are boxes of paperbacks, mainly novels, at reduced prices. Watch out for those elbows, though; it can be a bit of a scrum.
Bargains: All paperbacks in the boxes are 700 yen
Most Bizarre Find: "The A-Z of Punk", in lurid pink fake leopard skin cover
Where to Find it: Both Tuttle and Matsumara (above) are on Yasukuni Dori, further along from Isseido, going away from Hakusen Dori. 1-11 Jimbocho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Open: 10:30am-6:30pm (including national holidays), closed Sun. Tel: 3291-7071


Pretty much the same deal as Matsumara and Co. Inside, a large number of art books and a scattering of used English nonfiction books mixed in with the Japanese. Outside, shelves and bookcases of secondhand hardbacks at reasonable prices. They order books, but only from the US, and it can take a long time.
Bargains: "The SF Encyclopedia" and other hefty volumes for 1000 yen
Most Bizarre Find: "Michael Jackson's Guide to Beer"
Where to Find it: Past Tuttle, Yasukuni Dori bends to the right. Cross over Ochanomizu Dori intersection and keep going straight. Ginkeido is on the right. 3-1 Ogawamachi, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Open: 10:30am-7pm, closed Sun. Tel: 3291-5081. Fax: 3291-4155

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World

By Emily Temple on 

[Editor's note: In celebration of the holidays, we're counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #1, was originally published January 31.] With Amazon slowly taking over the publishing world and bookstores closing left and right, things can sometimes seem a little grim for the brick and mortar booksellers of the world. After all, why would anyone leave the comfort of their couch to buy a book when with just a click of a button, they could have it delivered to their door? Well, here’s why: bookstores so beautiful they’re worth getting out of the house (or the country) to visit whether you need a new hardcover or not. We can’t overestimate the importance of bookstores — they’re community centers, places to browse and discover, and monuments to literature all at once — so we’ve put together a list of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, from Belgium to Japan to Slovakia. Just so you know now, all you bookstore fiends: neither the Strand nor Powell’s is on this list. They’re both great bookstores, of course, but not particularly pretty (at least in our minds), and thus disqualified. Click through to see our picks for the most beautiful bookstores in the world, and as always, if we’ve left off your favorite, be sure to add to the collection in the comments! 
A gorgeous converted Dominican church gives the power of reading its due diligence. Selexyz Bookstore, Maastricht, Holland
Modern design at its finest in a store full of art books. The Bookàbar Bookshop, Rome, Italy
We love the stairs as reading and display area, the wall-to-wall bookshelves, and the simple, clean design. Plural Bookshop, Bratislava, Slovakia
This divine neo-gothic bookstore, opened in 1906, contains what we consider to be the ultimate definition of a stairway to heaven. Livraria Lello, Porto, Portugal
Somehow, this bookstore manages to be both whimsical and slightly macabre all at once. Cook & Book, Brussels, Belgium
There’s magic in the air at this English-language bookstore in Beijing. Bookworm, Beijing, China
This majestic converted 1920s movie palace uses theatre boxes for reading rooms and draws thousands of tourists every year. Librería El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires, Argentina [images via and via]
How could any kid (or adult, for that matter) resist those delicious reading nooks? Poplar Kid’s Republic, Beijing, China
This is a bookstore that seems to be made almost entirely out of books — down to its dramatic front doors. Livraria da Vila, Sao Paulo, Brazil [photos via]
For those who like their green spaces (and coffee shops) to invade their bookstores. Cafebreria El Pendulo, Mexico City, Mexico [photos via]
For those browsers not as impressed by architecture as they are by the beauty of books upon books upon books in narrow hallways — not to mention a place to nap. Shakespeare & Company, Paris, France [photovia]
The huge space, high ceilings and stately pillars make for a lovely reading experience. The Last Bookstore, Los Angeles, CA
For sailors and beach readers alike, this sun-kissed bookstore is a little less ostentatious than some of the others on this list, but no less lovely. Atlantis Books, Santorini, Greece
The biggest outdoor bookstore in the world, this photo doesn’t really do the place justice — it’s all about the view. Bart’s Books, Ojai, California [photo via]
The bookstore section of the larger complex dedicated to art and design certainly lives up to its mission. Corso Como Bookshop, Milan, Italy
We’re suckers for rounded ceilings and decorative lighting. Barter Books, Alnwick, UK [photos via]
This beautifully designed space has surprising shapes, cleverly constructed nooks and crannies and even a tree or two. The American Book Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands [photo via]
Almost utilitarian but filled with simple old-world grace, this store is a little like what we might imagine our ideal ship’s main cabin to look like. VVG Something, Taipei, Taiwan
This store has a flying bike and books to the ceiling. Need we say more? Ler Devagar, Lisbon, Portugal
This slick, super-modern store benefits from clean design and charming flourishes of light and mirrors. Daikanyama T-Site, Tokyo, Japan